Monday, March 4, 2013

Don't Be Like Me, Just Learn Something

Just going to put this out there, and it will be in the best interest of those who I've worked with previously and not heard from, and to anyone who would want me for future voice things: In the past four months, I've sent twelve sets of recorded audio to the same number of folks who have asked me to participate in their machinimas/fanvideos. This has been a significant amount of work, and I gotta say, unless you've answered my messages and e-mails then I am so, so very disappointed and let down.

I've only heard back from three of the groups that have asked me to participate in their projects. That being said, it is more than a little uncomfortable to send out audio I've worked hard on, to creators who will not send me some kind of message acknowledging it. I don't have to put up with that, and I'm sure as creators, you want dedicated people handing in their work to you in a timely manner.

In the next week or so, I'll be uploading documentation to my blog that will require anyone who wants my voice for their projects to look over, electronically sign (or show some proof of legit understanding of my terms and conditions on getting voice work completed) and then turn in to me.

I'm more than fed up with being stepped on and shoved aside by creators who really don't think they should give me the time of day after I work hard on something for them. No one should have to put up with that, whether you're a producer, creator, entertainer, etc. It isn't fun! I love voice acting and doing voice-over work for folks, it's my passion! I'd never dream of trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes and fool them into paying me for work I've never done. Why would anyone do that to another voice actor? People are silly and can be jerks sometimes, that's why.

This zone is "jerk free" unless there's talk about jerk chicken. Have you ever had jerk chicken? It's delicious, get on Pinterest for a recipe.

All it takes is some communicating back and forth with me, but if that can't be accomplished, then I really don't need to hand over my work to that person/group/collaborator/whatever. I'm here to work and have fun, and not be some temporary idea for some random thought to feed someone's ego or fill their free time. I know my voice is worth something, and I know how much hard work I put into what I do.

/end rant

Is it my own fault for not being sure I work for legit people? Yes. Is it my responsibility to make sure I take the steps necessary to ensure the proper use of my audio? Yes. Yes and yes. I'm kind of an idiot for not taking precautions, and that three hour audio book I read through for a client? Not getting paid. Deleted from Skype and her e-mail address apparently doesn't exist anymore. Those clips I sent in for a late-night radio show as a robot DJ? No, he doesn't "feel like" working on the collaboration anymore. Everything else? It's a loss, but I am going to let it go and move on.

Have we learned something here folks? Yes, yes we have! Don't be like me, just learn from my mistakes.

1) Know who you are working for, do your research and ask for references.
2) Be kind and treat yourself to work that will only ensure the best of your voice brought forward.
3) See #2.
4) See #1.

If you're looking for more tips on how to protect your voice AND your reputation, here's an article outlining some other stuff I learned the hard way back in the Spring of 2011. Read it. You'll be glad you did.

Thank you for reading this. I started this blog to offer some of what I know, have learned and am doing at the moment in the world of voice things. Leave me a comment or a note if you want to share anything in return, my ears are always open to you. :)

Now here's a picture of a Thin Mint donut to go with your day. You're welcome.


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